Artistic Concepts -
Existing Visual Identities

The story

This concept revolves around creating a visually stunning and culturally diverse decoration for a French cheese market. The aim is to transform the market into an immersive space that celebrates the rich heritage of cheese-making traditions while enticing customers with its artistic allure.

The conceptual approach celebrates diversity while honors the rich heritage of French cheese-making traditions. This artistic concept aims to create a dynamic and immersive experience for visitors, enticing them with a visually stimulating environment that reflects the multifaceted nature of French cheese culture.

These artisanal creations not only add to the visual appeal of the market but also highlight the skill and dedication of the individuals behind the cheese-making process.

Embracing seasonal themes in the market’s decoration we create a dynamic and ever-changing atmosphere. For example, during the holiday season, there is incorporated festive decorations inspired by French cheese-centric traditions that celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve spirit.